Spanish Outrage Over Historic Strategy Game

Spanish Outrage Over Historic Strategy Game Spanish Outrage Over Historic Strategy Game Spanish Outrage Over Historic Strategy Game

As a rule of thumb, 50% of games based on real life events will stir controversy. "Shadows of War: The Spanish Civil War" is one of those games.

Shadows of War is the first game dedicated to the 1936-39 conflict, which cost the lives of an estimated 500,000 people and resulted in General Franco's 36-year dictatorship. It will launch on November 20, the anniversary of the death of Franco, when fascist groups gather to commemorate the late dictator.

The ability to play as a fascist general - along with the choice of release date - has been heavily criticized by Spanish game reviewers.

Paco Perez, the game director defended his creation: " As well as being entertaining, it could serve to remind people that they need to be conscious of past events to make sure they are not repeated".

On the other hand, Carlota Leret, the daughter of Commander Virgilio Leret Ruiz, Franco's first victim, executed on July 18 1936 and whose name is mentioned in the game, said: "It is not a historical event buried in the past, but is very fresh in the memory of Spaniards. There is no justification for trivialising the killings and the suffering and pain of the victims when we still haven't reconciled ourselves with the past."

The game allows players to play as Franco's victorious forces or as the defeated republicans but with an alternate history where they win.

As for the game itself, Spanish game reviewers judged it as below average.