- Playstation
Saved Game Agent 326 and Abaddon unlocked
Bonus Characters
To play as Mr. Phatt you must beat the game on Medium difficulty.To play as Agen 326 you must beat the game as Mr. Phatt on Hard difficulty.To play as Abbadon you must beat the game as Agent 326 on Hard difficulty.
Depth Charge
Hold R2 and press Left Right Up. If the controller is in the default config.
Lay a Mine
Hold R2 and press Right Left Down. If the controller is in the default config.
Secret Room and Extra Life
On the second level at the Battle in the Red Sea go inside the temple and find the room where there are seven statues of kings sitting upon thrones. Hit the statue in the middle with a remote detonator or something powerful. It will blowup revealing a secret passage to a hidden room. One of the statues in this room contains the extra life.
Stun Blast
Hold R2 and press Right Left Up. If the controller is in the default config.
Surface Mine
Hold R2 and press Right Left Down. If the controller is in the default config.
Various Codes
During gameplay:
Effect | Code |
Invincibility | L1 R1 L1 R1 Up Down Left Right |
Unlimited Weapons | L1 R1 L1 R1 Up Down Left Down |
Drop Pod | L1 R1 L1 R1 Up Down Left Up |