- Playstation 2
Unlock Hyper Street Fighter Zero and Secret ISM's 1. Beat Street Fighter Zero, Street Fighter Zero 2, Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha and Pocket Fighter. 2. This gives you access to Arrange Zero 2, Arrange Zero 2 Alpha, and Arrange Zero 3; hold Select at the menu screen while picking the original games to access them. 3. Now beat these three games to unlock "Secret Game 4", hold Select on Zero 1 at the Game Select menu to get Hyper Street Fighter Zero. You'll by default also unlock the new special Hyper Street Fighter Zero only ISM's; to select them hold Start after picking Zero 3 and then press left over the desired corresponding Mode. Secret ISMs: Unlock: DAN Unlock: GOUKI Unlock: VEGA Play as Akuma or Dan in Pocket Fighter Unlock Shin Gouki Unlock Shin Vega Unlock Evil Ryu View Credits For Street Fighter Zero Fighters Generation: To get to the credits staff roll, highlight Street Fighter Zero 1 from the main menu and press Select any button you use to select it the main buttons that confirms a menu choice then once your in the choices for game modes at Hyper Street Fighter Zero go to Options, and hit the R1 button plus the confirmation button and you will see the staff roll credits for Hyper Street Fighter Zero. Play as Evil Ryu in Street Fighter Alpha 2 Secret Stages in Street Fighter Alpha 2 GRASSY AREA WATERFALL Chun-Li's Original Outfit in Street Fighter Alpha 2 Shadaloo Mode Play as Cammy in Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold Street Fighter Alpha: 3rd color Street Fighter Alpha: 4th color Additional alternate outfits for Sakura in SFA2 Gold |