Lego Mars Mission - Alien level passwords

Lego Mars Mission - Alien level passwords
Enter cheat codes in the Conflict Mode or Special Ops.

Password - Result:
fatwallet - 50,000 credits
nightfall - Crystalien Conflict mission
moonlight - Unknown
fullscreen - Unknown
santa - Unknown
299792458 - build faster
n00b - 3x armor
1337 - Reset all codes
Theylive - is alien ops
newbie - tripple defence

Alien level passwords:

Level - Password:
1 earth
2 zapper
3 extra
4 retreat
5 doctor
6 scramble
7 flow
8 redalert
9 5050
10 nightfall

Human level passwords:

Level - Password:
1 mars
2 powerup
3 niceman
4 buggy
5 flyboy
6 range
7 stomp
8 ufo
9 elton
10 eclipse

Bonus level passwords:

Level - Password:
1 temple
2 checkmate
3 t2000
4 manic
5 pizza
6 santa
7 match
8 amaze
9 theylive

Bonus level with alian hive as alians
ailan hive level the code is "azs8t"

Conflict mode:
Successfully complete all nine Astro story levels.

Special Ops mode:
Successfully complete the Astro training levels.

Crystailen Conflict:
For conflict mode on alien side you enter "hurricane".

More credits:
Enable the fatwallet code. Enter the pizza level and kill all aliens in
the area. Do not get the pizza. Build two or three Crystal Miners then
mine the crystals. Wait until you get 100,000 credits.

Rapid fire on every level:
The cheat code is "awesome" and gives rapid fire on every level.