- PC
Beating egggolem: Beside climbing the stairs on Golem's back, you can hit him another way. You can only do this when he has two or less hits remaining. When he uses his head butt of death, stay to the side of his fists so the head misses. Then, get directly under the head. He takes a few seconds to pick it up again, use a bounce attack to hit the battery. Beating sonic: Beating big foot: Beating big foot 2: Beating eggman: Beating shadow: Beating shadow 2: Beating king boom boo: Beating king boom boo 2: Abuse a chao with knuckles: Unlocking costumes: Unlock the boss time attack mode: Unlock the last stage: Unlock the extra island level: Kart racing mini-game: Get a seed planted in the chao garden: Unlock Dark Chao Garden: Open hero garden: Killing Final Hazard: Getting Fast 100 ring missions: Defeating Shadow Second Time: Get Eggs: Hard Egg Golem Cheat: Chao pictures: Ghost Chao: Stop Chao being dozy-eyed: Hint: Immortal chaos: Start with lots of lives: How to make your chao go faster: Infinate speed boots: Chao Dying: Faster time: Shiny Chao: Clear the screen: Super saiyan chao: Make Chao turn white in Hero Garden: Principal and doctor: Sonic vs shadow: |