MLB Featuring Ken Griffey Jr - Bonus Teams

MLB Featuring Ken Griffey Jr - Bonus Teams

Bonus Teams

At the Main Menu highlight Exhibition then press all four C buttons repeatedly until you hear a beep.

Call Home Runs

When Ken Griffey Jr. is up at bat pause the game then press Left Left Right Right Right Left Left on the DPad. Unpause the game.


Press using the DPad Up Up Down Left Left Right Right Left Left Down Up Up.

New Uniforms

In Exhibition and at the Team Select screen press all 4 C buttons repeatly.

Rest Your Pitchers Quicker

If your pitcher is tired drop him into free agency then go and pick him back up.

View Ending

In Exhibition choose your teams. Then at the Ballpark screen press all 4 C buttons simaltaneously until you hear a chime. Then press Z.

Sneak a Peek

Plug in two controllers but don't press any buttons on controller two. When the computer is pitching press R on controller two to see the pitcher's status and available pitches.
Submitted by: Phillip Gibson

Exploding Batter

While at bat press Right Left Up Down Right Left Up Down Right Left Up Down on the Dpad. Keep pressing these until the batter explodes.